How to manage stress | Top 5 tips to manage stress

How to manage stress

 Mind, emotions and body are all closely decisions. For example, if you had the choice of interlinked and always work together.

 It walking to work or taking the car, the fact that helps you distinguish them more clearly if it was raining hard and you had a cold could you try to understand them separately. 

How to manage stress
How to manage stress

Your lead you to the decision that it was better to mental capacities are your abilities to take the car. 

That would be a rational decision Seto concentrate, to take in new information, to based on the current circumstances.

remember old and new information and to be The mind is the rational, logical part of you in a position to think logically. 

You need your that helps you to make unemotional choices,mental capacity in order to study, to work, to to store and retrieve information and to order impose a constructive and workable order on and calculate.

 It is the counterpart to the your life, and to make rational day-to-day emotions. A good example of the interaction between mind and emotions is exam nerves.

Your mental capacity has helped you retain what you have revised You know your stuff' but when you enter the exam room and start getting emotional by expecting difficulties and imagining failure, all of a sudden the carefully stored information is no longer available. 

Your emotions have barred the way to your inner information store.

How to manage stress
HoW to manage stress

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 Do you find yourself reacting in any of the following ways?

  • You find it difficult to concentrate on


  •  Your memory is letting you down


  • You have lots of different things on your

mind but cannot grasp a clear thought.

  • You are often undecided these days and

this is untypical for you.

  • You make longer to do tasks that you were

able to complete quite quickly before.

  • You start lots of things but don't finish any.

If yes, then it gives a sign of mental stress

present in you. The better you deal with

stress, the less your mental capacity will be


The following exercises will help you

build better stress resilience and rebalance

yourself if your mental capacity has already

started to suffer due to stress.

Stop over- thinking

 When tasks and pressures start building up,the mind can sometimes go into over thinking and you come to the thought, 'I wish there was a switch in my head that I could flick and turn off all the thoughts going around in my mind!' It is not that easy. 

There is a technique to help yourself during the problem of over thinking:

Say to yourself repeatedly during the day:

'I have no expectations and I will deal with

whatever happens...when it happens.'

When you think about a stressful day that

lies in front of you, your thoughts run

approximately like this: 'Oh my God, I have 

so much to do ! I must do X and Y and Z and

after that, A and B need to get sorted out as

well! I don't know how I'm going to do it all. I

won't even have time to eat!'

Basically, the day hasn't even started but you

are already in a tizz. What is happening is

that your mind is racing ahead of you and

anticipating how tired and stressed you will

feel once you have completed all the tasks


 These frantic thoughts start weakening your energy and as a result you are entering into a busy day with only half of your normal energy. Then, when you end up

shattered at the end of day, you seem to have

proved that you were right all along - you had

a dreadful day and you feel physically


In order to have the maximum energy

available at the start of a busy day, use 'I have

no expectations and I will deal with whatever

happens when it happens' asa form of


You will notice how your body starts.

relaxing at the thought of ‘no expectations'.

This relaxation tells you that you have just

stopped yourself from wasting valuable


 You will feel calmer mentally and emotionally as a consequence.


 You can use this self-hypnosis state to relieve mental stress. 

Try the following exercise. 

It becomes easier with your eyes closed.

  •  Settle back in a chair and close your eyes.

Start counting backwards from 99 to 70.

Count slowly to fit in with your breathing.

  •  Now count down from 69 to 30, while

imagining walking down the steps of a

beautiful staircase. Feel yourself walking

down in time with your breathing. See the

beautiful grand staircase stretching ahead

of you. Imagine the steps are carpeted so

that your progress is as effortless as


  •  Count down from 29 to 0 while imagining drifting further down in luxurious lift, as large as a room, carpeted, with views of landscapes outside. Watch the decreasing numbers along with your breathing.

  • As you arrive at 0, the lift doors open and you enter a room that is furnished just as you would like it. It was all your favourite things in it and it is totally private. Find a comfortable chair in your room and settle back in it.
• Remain there in your imagination until
you feel rested and refreshed, then open
your eyes again.

The Screen Exercise

When emotions have taken you over, it
becomes nearly impossible to think clearly.
Then it becomes very easy to make unwise
decisions or to agree to something which is
not to your advantage. The Screen Exercise
shows you how to step back and emotionally
detach yourself from your current situation
so that you can see more clearly what is going on.

Taking an outsider's point of view and
imagining another person in your situation
will put a new perspective on your stress
problem so you can evaluate more calmly
what needs to be done.

  • With your eyes closed, think about the
situation that is currently causing you

  • Imagine projecting the situation onto a screen in your mind as if it were a film you a were watching. Include only what has really happened not what you are afraid might happen.

  • Replace yourself in the film with someone
else of the same gender.

  • Watch the film as an outside observer.
How do you feel about what is going on in
the film?

What advice would you give the person
who is replacing you on the screen?

  • Open your eyes again and act on your own

Anticipating success

When life becomes too hectic, we can end up
feeling mentally tied in knots. Nothing seems
easy and positive. Pessimism sets in and we
cannot see a way out of our current problems.
We can open a source of optimism with the
technique of anticipating success.

  •  Settle back in a chair and close your eyes.

  • Experience with all your senses what it feels like to have achieved something and enjoy the resulting feelings of relief and elation.

  • Hang on to the positive feelings and bring
them back with you into the here and now.

  • Open your eyes again.

Make sure you don't get all tangled up in
considerations about how the situation will
resolve itself. It will look after itself as long as
you keep your aim firmly in mind. If you stay
focused on a positive outcome, you can think
more clearly and you will make better
decisions, which will eventually lead to the
desired results.

If there could be a number of different
positive outcomes, then simply concentrate
on visualising one version today and another
version tomorrow. This is not an exercise in
correctly predicting the future, but rather a
way of clearing negative thoughts from your
mind and focusing on a positive state.

Stress control exercise

Short meditation-1

  •  Make yourself comfortable and close your

  • Choose a word that symbolises 'calmness'
to you : 'harmony', 'tranquility', 'serenity',
'peace', 'relax'.

Meditate on your chosen word. Visualise
scenes that tie in with the word or build up
mental images that illustrate the word.
You can also spend some time imagining
what it would feel like if you experienced
harmony or tranquility inside yourself.

  • Open your eyes again.

Short meditation-2

  •  Pick a material such as dress fabric, a
stone, a piece of wood or anything else that
appeals to you.

  • With your eyes closed, explore the texture
of this material.

  •  Spend at least two minutes doing this.

Give your brain oxygen hit

Half the problem with being stressed and
unable to concentrate properly is that you
don't breathe deeply enough to supply your
brain with sufficient oxygen. When we get
stressed, we tend to hold our breath or only
breathe in a shallow way, using only the
top part of our lungs. In order to deepen 

your breathing and get oxygen all the way
up into the brain again, do the following
exercise for two minutes :

  • Rub both your hands together for a
moment to create energy.

  •  Place your palms one on top of the other on
the area just below your navel.

  • Breathe consciously into your belly,
making your palms rise every in-breath.

  • Imagine breathing oxygen into your brain.

The Crown Pull

When we breathe, there is a microscopic
movement of the cranial bones which in
turn allows the cerebrospinal fluid to move
freely through the spinal column and the
skull. When tensed or upset and don't
breathe deeply enough, this can result in
bones in the skull becoming slightly stuck
together so that the fluid cannot circulate

The Crown Pull influences the flow of
cerebrospinal fluid in a positive way. It
helps calm your nervous system and can
also often take away a headache or stress-
induced stomach ache, as well as helping
you think clearly.

  • Place both of your hands with your fingers
like combs on top of your head so that your
little fingers are touching your hairline at
the front.

  • Firmly press down on to your scalp and
pull your fingers away from the midline,
combing outwards with each hand.

  • Now place your hands in the same way.
higher up on the midline of the head and
repeat the procedure.

  • Now place hands even further back on your
head, to wards the crown, and repeat the

Mental quick fixes

  • Put on some music you like and dance
through the room. This creative activity
exercises the right side of the brain and
helps rebalance your brain.

  • Get a fish tank and watch the fish swim
around languidly. This allows your mind to
calm down.

  • Write down all your worries. Putting them
on a piece of paper gets them out of your

  • Get out into nature and walk.

  • Concentrate on what is right now rather
than what might happen tomorrow.

  • Sing in the bath and use the shampoo
bottle as a micro-phone.

  • Nobody is perfect and who wants to be
nobody? Mistakes are OK.

  •  Delete the phrase "I can't” from your
vocabulary. It isn't constructive and blocks
your view of possible solutions.

  •  Write a few lines with your other hand.
This rebalances the two hemispheres of the

  •  Expect to be lucky.
